Tree Identification

Duration:  1 day
Cost:  £85 + VAT

Dates –  Please ring for dates


Pre-requisites:   None


This course includes identification of tree species commonly found in the area from buds, twigs, bark and foliage samples plus identification at the mature stage of growth, irrespective of season.

Who is it for?

This is a course for trainees who wish to improve their ability to identify tree species.

Course sessions:

  • Terminology: general terminology applying to trees; detailed terminology applying to leaves, buds, bark etc.
  • Identification of the features of foliage sample:  leaf–shape, size, colour, smell and feel plus any other distinguishing features; bark/twig – shape, size, colour, smell and feel plus any other distinguishing features; use of reference materials in conjunction with identification of features to identify the species (optional)
  • Identification of the features of a twig with no leaves:  buds–shape, size, colour, smell and feel plus any other distinguishing
    features; bark/twig – shape, size, colour, smell and feel plus any other distinguishing features; use of reference materials in conjunction with identification of features to identify the species (optional)
  • Identification of the features of a tree at a mature stage of growth:  crown shape and size; branching habit; bole shape, size and other features; leaves – shape, size, colour, smell and feel plus any other distinguishing features; buds – shape, size, colour, smell and feel plus any other distinguishing features;  bark/twig – shape, size, colour, smell and feel plus any other distinguishing features; use of reference materials in conjunction with identification of features to identify the species.

Once you have successfully carried out this course you will receive a Land Skills Certificate of Attendance for Tree Identification.

Tree Ident 1            Tree Ident 2          Tree Ident 3          Tree Ident 5          Tree Ident 6